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Federated Identity Authentication with SAML (SSO)

Federated identity is a means of achieving single sign-on (SSO), providing users the convenience of using a single password for many services. ThreeThirds provides the ability for customers to use Connections, Verse Mail, Sametime Chat and Notes client software using a single identity and one password for all services. Federated identity for user authentication is achieved by using the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) standard.

Note: ThreeThirds offer some limited Federated Identity SSO options with your on-premises idP - such as Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). These options will be expanded in the future.

Current SSO Options

  • Desktop SSO using on-premises/Azure Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)
  • Single password for all services using SSO with KeyCloak

Please contact your ThreeThirds account representative for more information.